Supported by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of Japan
The purpose of this contest is to enhance the activity of radio amateures in Asia and to establish as many contacts as possible during the contest periods between Asian and non-Asian stations.
(1) CW: 48 hours from 00:00 UTC the third Saturday of June to 24:00 UTC next day (June 19-20, 1999)
(2) Phone: 48 hours from 00:00 UTC the first Saturday of September to 24:00 UTC next day (September 4-5, 1999)
Amateur bands below 30MHz (Except 10, 18, 24MHz)
(1) Single operator, 1.9MHz band (CW only)
(2) Single operator, 3.5MHz band (including 3.8MHz band)
(3) Single operator, 7MHz band
(4) Single operator, 14MHz band
(5) Single operator, 21MHz band
(6) Single operator, 28MHz band
(7) Single operator, Multi band
(8) Multi-operator, Multi band
Within the limits of own station license.
(1) For Asian stations: a: CW -- "CQ test" b: Phone -- "CQ contest"
(2) For non-Asian stations: a: CW -- "CQ AA" b: Phone -- "CQ Asia"
(1) For OM stations: RS/T report + two figures denoting operator's age
(2) For YL stations: RS/T report + two figures "00 (zero zero)"
(1) No contact on cross band.
(2) For participants of single operator's entry: Transmitting two signals or more at the same time including cases of different bands is not permitted.
(3) For participants of multi-operator's entry: Transmitting two signals or more at the same time within the same band is not permitted, except in cases of different bands.
(1) Contacts among Asian stations and among non-Asian stations will neither count as a point nor a multiplier.
(2) For Asian stations:
a: Points --- Perfect contact with non-Asian stations will be scored as follows:
1.9MHz band -- 3 points, 3.5MHz band -- 2 points, Other bands -- 1 point
b: Multipliers --- The number of different countries in the world worked on each band, according to the DXCC countries list.
(3) For non-Asian stations:
a; Points - Perfect contact with Asian stations (excluding U.S. auxiliary military radio stations in the Far East, Japan) will be counted as follows: 1.9MHz band -- 3 points, 3.5MHz band --2 points, Other bands -- 1 point
b; Multipliers - The number of different Asian Prefixes worked on each band, according to the WPX Contest rules. Examples: JS9ABC/7 will count for prefix JS7.
(4) JD1 stations.
a; JD1 stations on Ogasawara (Bonin and Volcano) Islands belong to Asia.
b; JD1 stations on Minami-tori Shima (Marcus) Islands belong to Oceania.
(The total of the contact points on each band) X (The total of the multipliers on each band)
It is recommended to use JARL A.A. contest logs and summaries
which are available from HQ for one IRC and SAE. (Summary
and Log are available by
"PDF files".)
(1) Each summary sheet must include your DXCC country, call used, entry class, multipliers by band, points by band and total score. It should also include a signed declaration indicating that you have observed the rules and regulations of the contest.
(2) Log sheet must contain band, date, time in UTC, call of station worked, exchange sent, exchange received, multipliers and QSO points. Use a separate sheet for each band. Multipliers should be clearly marked by countries or Asian prefixes, first time worked on each band.
(1) For both CW and Phone, certificates will be awarded to those having the highest score in each entry in proportion to the number of participants from each country and also those from each call area in the United States.
a: The number of participants under 10 --- Award only to the highest scorer
b: From 11 to 20 --- Award only to the runner-up
c: From 21 to 30 --- Award to the top three
d: From 31 or more --- Award to the top five
(2) The highest scorer in each Continent of the single operator multi band entry will receive a medal from JARL and certificate from the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications of Japan.
(3) The highest scorer of the multi operator multi band entry in each Continent will receive a medal from JARL.
(1) Submit a summary sheet and logs of only one classfication.
(2) The log and summary should be postmarked by the following dates addressed to:
All Asian DX Contest, JARL, Tokyo 170-8073, Japan
Indicate CW or Phone on the envelope. a: CW --- July 30, 1999 b: Phone --- October 30, 1999
(1) Violation of the contest rules.
(2) False statement in the report.
(3) Taking points from duplicate contact on the same band in excess of 2% of the total.
(1) CW --- About February, 1999 (2) Phone --- About March, 1999
You may receive contest results by enclosing one IRC with your log. They will appear on this site after their publication in JARL NEWS.
Spratly Is. | 3W, XV | Vietnam | 4J,4K | Azerbaijan | 4L | Georgia | 4P-4S | Sri Lanka | |
4X,4Z | Israel | 5B | Cyprus | 7O | Yemen |
8Q (*) |
Maldives | 9K | Kuwait |
9M2,4 | West Malaysia | 9N | Nepal | 9V | Singapore | A4 | Oman | A5 | Bhutan |
A6 | U.A.E. | A7 | Qatar | A9 | Bahrain | AP-AS | Pakistan | BS7 | Scarborough Reef |
BV | Taiwan | BV9 | Pratas Is | BY,BT | China | EK | Armenia | EP-EQ | Iran |
EX | Kyrgyzstan | EY | Tajikistan | EZ | Turkmenistan | HL | South Korea | HS | Thailand |
HZ | Saudi Arabia | JA-JS,7J-7N,8J | Japan | JD1 | Ogasawara Is. | JT-JV | Mongolia | JY | Jordan |
OD | Lebanon | P5 | North Korea | S2 | Bangladesh |
TA-TC (*) |
Turkey |
UA-UI8,9,0 RA-RZ |
Asiatic Russia |
UJ-UM | Uzbekistan | UN-UQ | Kazakhstan | VR2 | Hong Kong | VU | India | VU | Andaman & Nicobar Is. |
VU | Laccadive Is. | XU | Cambodia | XW | Laos | XX9 | Macao | XY-XZ | Myanmar |
YA | Afghanistan | YI | Iraq | YK | Syria | ZC4 | UK Sov.Base Area on Cyprus |
(*) only Asian area
Total 54 countries as of April 1, 1999
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